Must-have Facts about CCS in Indiana

There is plenty of information out there about carbon capture and storage (CCS), but not all of it is true. Some misinformation is downright scary. Here are some of the must-have facts about CCS in Indiana: 

CCS is a proven technology that has operated around the world for more than 45 years
  • CCS projects have been in operation around the world since the mid-1990s
  • There are 30 CCS projects in operation today
  • There are 5,000 miles of active CO2 pipelines safely operating across the US
  • There are now more than 100 CCS facilities in development around the world
CCS is one of the cleanest and most efficient ways to prevent carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from going into the atmosphere
  • CCS systems have minimal above-ground impact
  • US and global experts have outlined a clear and important role for CCS to help reduce CO2 emissions
  • CCS systems in operation today remove the emissions of nearly 8 million cars
CCS captures CO2, which is not explosive or flammable
  • Carbon dioxide is a colorless, odorless, non-flammable gas that naturally occurs in the atmosphere.
  • CO2 is produced by body metabolism and is a normal component of exhaled breath.
CCS safely and responsibly stores CO2 about 1 mile below surface – with 24/7 monitoring
  • The injection and storage of CO2 is the final stage in the CCS process and has been working safely and effectively for over 50 years.
  • In fact, with abundant underground storage resources at our disposal, storage remains the easiest and most logical CO2 mitigation solution.
  • There are many geological systems around the world that can retain centuries worth of CO2 captured from industrial processes or directly from the air.
  • report on CCS concluded “appropriately selected and managed geological reservoirs are ‘very likely’ to retain over 99% of the sequestered CO2 for longer than 100 years and ‘likely’ to retain 99% of it for longer than 1000 years”.
CCS is a business solution for Indiana power plants, manufacturers and industries that protects jobs and economic growth
  • CCS can be applied across sectors vital to the Indiana economy, including cement, steel, fertilizer, power generation, and natural gas processing.
  • Those industries and others are looking for a business solution to enable them to meet regulatory standards and stay in business.
  • Without CCS, thousands of Indiana jobs are at risk.
  • With CCS, the Indiana economy can continue to grow and add jobs.